Mid-afternoon, I walked all over the National Museum at Stamford Road --- up and down, in and out, and up and down some more --- then from there over to the Cathay Building and up Handy Road to Plaza Singapura, where I procured for myself a much-needed iced lemon tea from Kentucky Fried Chicken (actual tea, actual lemon slices), before hiking over to Park Mall to pick up a bus back to the office at UE Square. It crossed my mind to walk the rest of the way back to work, perhaps pick up a path on Fort Canning and cut through the park even though it would involve some climbing up the side of the hill, but that was when the first rain droplets began to dot the pavement.
And then I was all walked out.
Technorati Tags: Singapore, walking
Labels: Freelancin' living, Personal, Singapore stories
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