As earlier mentioned, the image for the "What's in your bag?" Flickr photo pool. Click on the image to see detailed notes. The inventory's grown since I last blogged about it.
I've clicked through a goodly number of images in the photo pool and it would seem that the average Flickr user participating in this pool:
- Carries a messenger bag, backpack or some other carry-all of equivalent size.
- Is armed with, beyond the typical wallet and keys, a cellphone, an iPod, a digital camera, of course, and probably a laptop, in all likelihood a Mac.
- May in fact be a photographer who hauls around any number of cameras and lenses with him all day, everyday.
- Has a job either requiring a security pass or, conversely, that's of a creative and casual/freelance nature, where they carry everything they need for work around on their person.
- Enjoys cataloguing such personal minutiae with witty comments.
Technorati Tags: whatsinyourbag, whatsinmybag
Labels: Geek girl, Life in the internet age, Personal
Nice, nice. Maybe I should do one too but the thing is, I seldom carry a bag around.
Boys lah. What can you do. :)
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