When yesterday morning began, I had three appointments taking me from lunchtime to late afternoon. By the time I headed out to the first appointment, I had squished three more things into my schedule. This was a good thing, because I got to catch up with some friends whom I was way, way overdue in seeing, and I also got to see what the aftermath of a TweetUp looks like.
One of my originally scheduled appointments was a media preview of the new Tanjong Beach Club (pictured above). All I can say is: I wish I had a friend who owned a beach house like that, and could I move in for a summer (or two) to write my novel, please? Not that I have a novel in me just yet, but you know: floor-to-ceiling windows, Mid-Century Modern aesthetic, infinity pool --- I don't think creatively one could go wrong with that.
Labels: Nightlife, Singapore stories
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