
More firsts

If you can't tell from the previous post, I have recently come into possession of new technology that allows me to check and send emails from the pub, and participate in this newfangled activity known as moblogging. Some may scoff at the need for unimportant little me (or anybody, really) to have all this connectivity, but what can I say: in addition to being a city girl, I am also totally a girl of the internet age.

But talking about my new phone is boring. On to gratuitous pictures of cuteness.


Don't worry, it's not my biological clock that's ticking. This is from a few days ago, when for the first time in my life, I had to ask the waitress for a high seat for the baby, please. (Coming so rapidly on the heels of having for the first time driven a pregnant woman around, I feel like I'm finally growing up --- just a bit.)

The really impressive thing about this kid, all 7 months of him, is that while his mom and I were chatting and eating for a good hour, he was mostly quiet and sedate, and completely capable of amusing himself by looking at other people and things around us --- and okay, putting one packet of sugar and later one napkin into his mouth, and making at most two half-hearted grabs for our food or drink --- but really, when you consider the attention span slash processing ability of a 7-month-old, not to mention the flurry of temptations around him in a noisy cafe, that's really, really good.

As I mentioned over breakfast this morning, I like kids when they're a) quiet, b) not mine.


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At 12/11/2005 11:52 am , Blogger justpassingby said...

OK, it's obvious your biological clock ain't ticking when you call the high chair a "high seat"... LOL! I've never heard it called that before... didn't the waitresses give you funny looks?

At 12/13/2005 5:48 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it too when kids ain't mine and ain't noisy.. But too bad, when they stay near u, running around the corridors outside ya home and extremely noisy, u can't help but hating them...

I am jut ranting in ya blog...
Not nice of me..



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