
Bar 84

Bar 84 Bar 84 Bar 84

For $10 per person, we got to unfold in a quiet, Tokyo-esque bar where the conversations with the bartender in Japanese tinkled as brightly as the solid ice cube that dominated each glass.

Bar 84

For $10 per person, we got a warm towel faultlessly presented by one waitress, drinks impeccably refreshed by another, and peanuts constantly refilled by both. Us plebians left the used towels lying dishevelled on the table's edge, which one of the waitresses quietly retrieved, folded into a snug roll and replaced in alignment with the table setting without a twitch of rebuke.

The $10 cover didn't include any of our drinks or snacks. But it was well worth the hour of peace and dignity.


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At 11/06/2005 8:55 pm , Blogger wahj said...

peace and dignity, you say?

Where is this place? I like it already.

At 11/07/2005 4:32 am , Blogger JellyGirl said...

Yes yes, do share where this place is! It sounds really lovely!

At 11/08/2005 4:44 am , Blogger Tym said...

Bar 84
Gallery Hotel

It's in one of the rotunda-like two-storey annexes outside the hotel proper. Moloko's on the ground floor of this annex; to get to Bar 84 on the upper level, you enter the hotel, take the escalator up to the second floor and walk out to the bar's front door.

At 11/10/2005 1:39 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... Not being Japanese, I remember feeling kind of out of place there. When we first entered through the door, the wait stuff looked quizzically at us and asked as what we wanted. I'm like "erh, a table please..." I think we caused them some distressed. Seriously, the drinks are tad bit expensive and for New York priced drinks, I would expect as nice a bar with as good a service like those "atas" ones there.


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