
Wake me up

Packing to move to Boston. See blog for details.

Dusting this off to say: I’m moving to Boston. Next month. To work on an MFA in creative writing. At Boston University. For a year and a bit. During which I hope to finish my novel as well.

Obviously, I don't remember how to blog anymore.

I haven’t touched my novel since Xmas because of work and I miss it dreadfully, as I’ve been saying to anyone who asks. Don’t ask me when it’ll be published, I need to finish the manuscript first.

Other things that excite me about Boston: the Boston Public Library, indie bookstores and cinemas, free astronomy nights at the campus observatory, all the modernist architecture on the MIT campus, rereading Robert Lowell and The Peregrine (because peregrines at BU!), hiking, and, um, living five minutes from a Trader Joe’s.



At 8/19/2018 10:05 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best!

At 3/25/2024 9:14 am , Blogger William Hunts said...

Wow, 'Wake Me Up' really resonated with me. Avicii's mournful words and the upbeat rhythm constantly transport me to another world. On another subject, I've been looking for the
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At 5/22/2024 3:46 am , Anonymous Faisal Aftab said...

Wow, congratulations on the big move to Boston and pursuing your MFA in creative writing at Boston University! It sounds like an exciting adventure ahead. Don't worry about not remembering how to blog; you're already off to a great start. And for early stage investors like yourself, being in a vibrant city like Boston offers a world of opportunities alongside your creative pursuits. Wishing you all the best with your novel and your new chapter in Boston!


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