Obviously, she knew something I didn't.

I like plant life all right, but having this much share the back seat with me made things a little claustrophobic.
The cab driver didn't comment on her plants, which I found strange, but she did see fit to tell me that she'd had only three hours' sleep in the last twenty-four hours or so --- extremely reassuring, of course, since she was driving in a storm and, for the first half of the ride, didn't seem to really know the way even though my destination was hardly an obscure one.
The second cab I got into today smelled very strongly of wet dog. Given that it'd been raining all morning, this scenario wasn't entirely impossible, but I thought the better of asking the cab driver --- in case he said there hadn't been any dogs in the cab, which would mean that something else was smelling nasty in there.
The third cab I got into, after work, had no plants and no funny smell. It had, however, a cab driver who had plenty to tell me about the inconveniences caused to his ilk by the various arrangements for the IMF/World Bank summit meetings that are in town.
I don't think he was thinking about the overbundance of flowers.

Technorati Tags: Singapore, taxi, cab, IMF, World Bank
Labels: Personal, Singapore stories
Well, from what I hear, the flowers are all dying cos some godok* thought it was a really great idea to bring in flowers that live in temperate regions. So they keep replacing the ones that have died. I sure didn't sign up for that when I paid my income tax this year.
*godok- an idiot of massive proportions.
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