- abnout, abonut, abotu, actualyl, againstt he, agian, ahppen, ahve, almsot, alterantive, althoguh, alwasy, amde, amke, antoher, approrpiate, askt he, aws
- baout, bcause, beacuse, becasue, befoer, beofre, bve, byt he
- certian, Chiantown, commnunist, commuity, compelx, coudl,, cpoy
- deatils, develope, dispaly, doign, donig
- efel, ehr, enw, erally, esle, especialyl, evn, ewre, exchagne, eyt
- finalyl, fora, foriegn, foudn, frmo, fromt he
- goign, grwo
- haev, herat, hismelf, hlep, hteir, htey, htink, hvae
- idae, ihs, importnat, indenpendence, indepdendence, int hat, int he, inteh, itneresting, iwth
- jsut
- konwn
- leran, liek, loev, lookign
- maek. marraige, matierals, menat, minsiter, minsitry, mkae, mnuch
- nad, nbut, nkow, nothign, nver, nwe, nwo
- oculd, oft, oft he, oging, ohter, omre, ont he, onyl, opf, otehr, owrk, owuld, oyu
- palce, parenst, parlimanet, perhasp, preisdent, proabbly, propser
- questoin
- realyl, recrod, reisdent, religous, respomd, reult, rfom, rpely, rwite
- saidt he, shoudl, Singaproe. Singpaore, sitll, smae, smoe, sohw, soical, somethign, somewaht. sot hat, soudn, specificalyl, stnad, strentgh, suprise
- tahn, taht, talkign, tath, teh, tehre, tehy, tgat, tgheir, tghis, thansk, thatt he, them ost, theri, thge, thigsn, thna, thne, thnig, thsi, thsoe, tihs, timne, tkae, tlaking, togehter, tongiht, tot he, towrad
- udnerstand, understnad, undert he, univeristy, unliek, usch
- waht, whihc, whta, wiht, witht he, wlel, wnat, wrod, wtih
- yera, yuo
Obviously, without the autocorrect function, I'd spend most of my time backspacing rather than typing ...
Technorati Tags: Microsoft Word, autocorrect, typo, typing
Labels: Geek girl
I always type 'particulalry'. It's on autocorrect on my work pc.
you also have too much time.
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I do VerbatimIT production transcription typing and when I hear the word particularly, I type
There's tons of tips and shortcuts to use.
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