Originally uploaded by Tym; taken by Terz.
Ondine thinks it might be my inner auntie coming out, but I went a little crazy this year and we're the most stocked-up on Chinese New Year goodies, ever. We have, in no particular order:
- pineapple tarts --- two boxes instead of the usual one, 'cause like I said, I went crazy;
- love letters, half of which I've eaten already;
- kok zai aka peanut puffs, made by my mom! Just the way I like it;
- red bean rolls, the greatest invention since maple creme cookies;
- prawn rolls, Terz's choice; it's a little too giam (salty) for my taste;
- kueh bangkit, also for Terz's benefit; I've never developed a taste for it.
What, no bak kua??!!
Very tempted to get on the first plane back and fly home just to eat. Unfortunately, the doctor says I can't travel out of state anymore. Ah... pineapple tarts.... love letters... prawn rolls... all of which I can't buy over here... Instead we've found yummy walnut/pistachio/cashew/pinenut crisps which we're consoling ourselves with.
Eat more CNY stuff for me.
Oooh. Mahjong. I played that for the first time (non-computer-solitaire version) about a month ago and I am hooked. Wish I could be there to hang out. It sounds like loads of fun. :)
aaaaaaaa!!!! you are soooo luckyyyy!!!! i would totally trade colin goh for kueh bangkit and love letters. oh, can you also find some green spot??? also, do van houten's still come in those oval tins? wah, i can hear the chocolate-covered almonds knocking around in there, klock-klock, klock-klock.
F&N Orange? Nooooo, must be GREEN SPOT!
Sim Siang Choon supermarket at Tekka got.
Green Spot!! Thanks for the lobang, mb. Will definitely check it out this weekend. Then I will have the Ultimate Old-Fashioned Chinese New Year party going.
LMD --- I am sorry to inform you that while my kind in-laws gifted us with 1 kg of bak kwa two weeks ago, we ate the whole pack in, um, like two days. So no more already. Lucky my cousin is going to bring some for the mahjong party.
(That's right, cousin. Mahjong --- not be confused with MoHAA.)
Lana --- Come to Asia some time and we can mahjong! We even have radical black tiles, which were a lovely housewarming gift but occasionally are impossible to read in certain light.
SilverBullet --- Seattle's Chinatown should be quite well-stocked with goodies, if you guys can get to it.
Stellou --- You got Colin Goh, I don't have mr brown for my party, ok? You win already.
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