
Back in circulation

Since I submitted the first draft of my novel to the National Arts Council on Tuesday (they're supporting me with a grant), I've been creeping slowly back into my social life: long catch-ups over meals with friends whom I've had to put off seeing for the last few months, a couple of work-related meetings and emails, reading longform journalism and short stories again, and even watching Obama be funny at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

It's also nice not to feel I have to churn out 2,000-3,000 words of prose everyday.

Friends have been asking how it feels like to emerge from what I've called my "self-imposed writing hermitry". I have two parts to my answer:
  • I need to catch up on all the internet memes, viral videos and online gossip of the past few weeks. It was only after Tuesday's submission that I allowed myself to watch, in good conscience, not only the Obama one but also the putatively epic video of a cat in a shark costume on a Roomba chasing a duck (which I found not-so-epic, perhaps it'd been over-hyped and over-linked by the time I got to it), and it was only on Wednesday night at a friend's place that I understand what the Jawbone UP is (no, I'm not getting one).
  • It's nice to be able to drink in the company of friends again, instead of timidly nursing a beer or glass of wine in front of an imperiously glowing iMac screen.
The other question people have been asking is what am I going to do now. The answer for the month of May is:
Oh boy. I believe fellow writer @davechua's exact words (for his schedule and mine) were: "No rest for the wicked."



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