With apologies to Ivan Albright, the artist who painted my favourite painting ever.
Things that have been easier to do since Thursday, rather than writing my first paper as a master's student (it's due in about 10 days):
- Take a 3-hour nap.
- Migrate my iTunes database onto an external hard drive.
- Back up all my hard drives.
- Update my Mac OS to Snow Leopard --- except that the upgrade had to be aborted failed due to a faulty disc (I bought it in Singapore months ago).
- Check out the new North Road Restaurant (very crisp and white), then wine and dine at Medcalf.
- Brave the cold and mud to catch the Guy Fawkes Day fireworks at Ravenscourt Park.
- Watch The Notebook (I heart Rachel McAdams).
- Mess around with Instagr.am (see image above).
- Figure out which herbs give the best zing to scrambled eggs.
- Cook Irish beef stew and pasta salad with green beans and mushrooms in one evening, hence ensuring I don't have to cook again till next weekend.
Labels: Food for thought, Geek girl, London bound
What's your username on Instagram? Add me, it's the usual.
Weird. That was me.
I added you on Instagram when I signed up today.
Oh no... not the Notebook. I love those two actors and all, but that movie is such tripe.
And now she's in another fluffalicious movie, Morning Glory.
You know I'll probably go and see it. That's what happens when it rains. You hate yourself just long enough to go and waste two hours on stuff that turns your brains into guacamole.
Oh my lord! Rachel McAdams and I share the same birthday!
It's a sign! Of ... something.
Maybe we should do a Rachel McAdams marathon at Christmas. She has that Christmas movie The Family Stone. Or just skim through a bunch of movies, the bits we like.
I am the queen of procrastination. I'm still awake at this time, not wanting to go to sleep or pack my study table. I have unpacked my suitcase, which is a step. But now all my crap is on the table.
So to procrastinate on the crap, you went to bed? :)
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