
An afternoon at Geek Terminal

When Adri first told me she wanted to check out Geek Terminal (first seen --- by us, anyway --- at theory.is.the.reason), my initial reaction was: Great concept, but couldn't they have come up a name that was more Wired and less Hackers? Then I said, "Oh, I'm not usually in the Market Street area."

And then at 3 pm today, I found myself at Chulia Street with several hours to kill before meeting Little Miss Drinkalot for dinner. So I ended up at Geek Terminal after all.

An afternoon at Geek Terminal

The verdict:
  • The decor --- Futuristic-ish. A bit too much silver and a few too many plasma screens for my personal liking, which is why I ended up sitting in one of the red chairs and stared at my own laptop screen instead.
  • The coffee --- Illy! I approve.
  • The wireless - Free and fast on my laptop. However, my Nokia N95 didn't get along well enough with the cafe's wireless network to be able to upload an image directly to Flickr. Oddly enough, the usually more patchy Wireless@SG did the trick instead.
  • The Eubiq power plug system --- Very cute! And idiot-proof.
The only downside is that the table height is a little awkward for short Asian people like me. If I lean back into the (comfy-but-stout) armchairs, I have to raise my arms a little to work at my laptop. I imagine that could get tiring for anyone who needs to do some major typing.

I wasn't at all hungry, so I didn't try the menu. But if the cafe's raison d'etre is to serve neo-nomads like me, it seems to be on the right track. There's even a Nokia Nseries/Eseries display where customers can wander over and fondle new phones.

We'll see what Adri thinks when she gets here.


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At 6/19/2007 12:10 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Geek Terminal! Don't even mind the futuristic design. Other than the music... everything is great!! Must try the food too, soon. I think I'm going to live there from now on.

If you're ever in Bangkok and in need of a place to work, the Bug and Bee cafe in Silom/Sala Daeng is amazing. 24h, power points, good lights, and fast free wifi on all 4 levels of the cafe. But in Singapore no such thing.. so Geek Terminal is great!

At 6/19/2007 2:23 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got an n95??!! envy la. wes.

At 9/06/2007 12:47 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, bangkok got much nicer concept cafes I feel.


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