
Let's play "did you know"

It's marking season, which means it's also howling season. I don't usually blog about the silly things students write in their essays --- after all, they're writing under considerable duress --- but in order to keep my resolution not to be snarky in the margins, I've got to have an outlet somewhere.

So. Did you know that according to students (who are the "leaders of tomorrow", if you believe the propaganda):

  • "With the increase in the prevalence of pornographic websites, there has been a sharp jump in the number of rape cases in America."
  • "The mass media, the information and recreational portal, have evolved to encompass almost everything in the universe."
  • "Imprisonment or rehabilitation would put a greater strain on the country's resources as compared to the death penalty, as more land would have to be cleared to build prisons. Taxpayers' money would also be wasted on prison manpower, which could otherwise be put to more beneficial uses such as improving health care as well as for research and development."

There are plenty of other examples, but these were just the most horrifying ones that made me stop in my tracks and howl at the ceiling.

Oh, and I've cleaned up the grammatical mistakes too.

The sad thing is that because students were writing under examination conditions, they probably didn't have the time to stop and realise exactly what they were saying. (At least, I hope so...) They had just enough time to spit out everything they know onto the page and hope for the best, while I have to sift through the morass to find something worth rewarding.



At 6/30/2005 9:09 am , Blogger Cowboy Caleb said...

I'm so glad you're a teacher. At least I know there's still hope yet for the human race with people like youself on the watch.

At 6/30/2005 10:18 am , Blogger Ondine said...

Well, I had globalisation caused homosexuality to happen and children from families where both parents work are called "Padlock" kids. Go figure.

At 6/30/2005 10:27 am , Blogger Tym said...

KoP --- The problem with the third argument is that it's so brutally rational, it could've been written by Hitler himself. It's nice to see a coherent argument, but did it have to be so cold-blooded?

Cowboy Caleb --- Whenever I'm on the watch, I'm not sure there's much hope left for any of us ...

Ondine --- I'm not even going to talk about the kinds of comments I've seen about homosexuality. *shudder*

At 6/30/2005 10:29 am , Blogger Tym said...

KoP --- Sorry, forgot to answer your last remark ;) I don't wear anything above the knee, even at the risk of appearing auntie, and have successfully avoided sitting on a desk whenever I'm in a skirt. Although there was a lapse today during an exam in the hall when I said screw it and sat up on the stage with my feet hanging off it, even though I was wearing a skirt. But very sian of standing around for an hour while kids plug away at their exams...

At 6/30/2005 10:35 am , Blogger Terz said...

Interesting classroom you keep, Ms B, "you don't wear anything above the knee..."

At 6/30/2005 10:46 am , Blogger Tym said...

Oi, you are not allowed to mock me from the next room.

At 6/30/2005 12:58 pm , Blogger ampulets said...

heh. Put all 3 students together in the same cell for a week with nothing but the internet. At least 1 will certainly start to surf for entertainment, including porn no doubt...leading to rape (even if they are not americans)...explaining their imprisonment, then their execution.

At 7/01/2005 5:03 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and possibly inducing homosexuality

At 7/04/2005 10:25 am , Blogger limegreenspyda said...

argument #3 makes a whole lot of sense! ceteris paribus, no point wasting precious resources on the defective/harmful. the problem, though, is, who decides?


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