
Achievements of the weekend

1. New nail polish, ergo: newly polished finger- and toenails. 'Bout time, too. The chipped red's been lingering for four weeks, which is about two weeks longer than I can usually tolerate.

2. Conversation with cousins I don't see very often, and a standing offer of free, and undoubtedly nice, accommodation in London. Tempting, tempting...

3. Hitting 110 words per minute on Typer Shark.

4. Appeasing the shopping urge with an hour of striding purposefully about Parkway Parade.

5. Lime and strawberry gelati.

6. A thunderstorm that came out of nowhere, making us all the more sleepy as we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at Dan's this afternoon.

7. Not logging in to check work email --- not once! --- since leaving work yesterday.

8. A massive teppanyaki dinner with the parentals. Now if only we could get one of those metal cooking surfaces installed in our flat...

I apologise for listing, but it's a shortcut around actual writing, which I can't do right now because it's time to savour ST:TNG's "All Good Things" just one more time...


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