
So the Philly friend called me back! And we talked for an hour. That was amazing. I can't remember the last time I talked to her --- maybe six months ago? Anyway, she's perfectly happy for me to visit, so all I have to do now is to sort out the money side of things, and the availability of flights. Watch this space for more details. Talking to my friend almost bummed me out a wee bit, because I frequently think about how my life is just passing me by while I'm stuck here in Singapore in this job till at least 2005. I mean, she's three years younger than I am and has done/is doing all these fantabulous things. Me? Well, my job doesn't suck, but it's not the most thrilling or meaningful joyride in the world. And as I was telling her about half an hour ago, I feel pretty directionless at the moment. I don't even have a long-term plan. Maybe that's why people have kids --- to provide stability in a world that otherwise whirls around every year or so, too quickly for you to figure out what you really want to do.

Bah. Get thee behind me, Discontent.

On a sunnier note, we have ordered Kentucky Fried Chicken (yes, high on the ick factor to some of my readers, I'm sorry) and T aims to finish his exam marking today and I might be going to Philadelphia!


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